Our week in P3 and P3/2
Read all about our week in P3 and P3/2.
We have been learning about chance. We know when things are certain, impossible, likely or unlikely. We were thinking if things had a high chance or low chance of happening. We had to separate questions into categories if they were likely, unlikely, certain or impossible.
We were also looking at Venn and Carroll Diagrams to help us show information more clearly. We completed lots of different activities.
We made predictions for the last chapter of The Owl Who Is Afraid of the Dark which was called Dark is Beautiful. Some of us even guessed the correct title. We were focusing on punctuation and making sure our sentences made sense during Free Writing Friday.
We made Caution posters, after learning about our triggers which make us move away from the Green zone. Knowing our triggers help us to avoid going into the Red zone.
We were learning about expositions. An exposition is a one sided argument and you try to persuade someone to have the same point of view as you. We learnt how to structure an exposition.
We drew a pocket garden which hopefully we will get to create during outdoor learning in the next few weeks.
We learnt about Joseph and his brothers from the book of Genesis. This story was all about forgiveness and reconciling relationships. Joseph’s bothers were jealous of him and were unkind to him but Joseph forgave them.
In PE we were doing gymnastics and in Music we were singing songs and playing games.
We started our new topic which is our local community Broxburn – we spoke about what we know and what we would like to find out about during the next few weeks.