Primary 1's Week of Learning-10.02.22
We have had a super week!
In Literacy, we have been revising our sounds and balloon words and using them to write short sentences. Our teachers are very impressed that we can do this, as well as remembering to use finger spaces and full stops. Wow! We have been reading our new books at home and in school, and we are noticing our sight words in the stories. We were learning about capital letters, so we know now when to use them correctly. We also wrote an imaginative story about: ‘A visit to the vet’. We were happy to write a few sentences, using our success criteria and tried to use the connective ‘and’ – it was not very tricky for us at all!
In Numeracy, we have been learning to count forwards and backwards to 30 in 2s and up to 100 in 5s and 10s. We were practising number bonds for 10 and 20. We also continued to practise addition and subtraction using Rekenreks and Numicon, 10 frames, number tracks and, also number lines. Some of us can now do this independently. We are successful and confident learners! We started to learn about data using pictograms, which we found a ‘piece of cake’ (get it?).
We have also enjoyed some STEM as we became inventors! We were learning about Scottish inventors e.g. Alexander Graham Bell ( who invented the telephone), Charles Macintosh( who invented the raincoat) or John Logie Baird ( who invented the television). We designed our own rockets, flying cars, shelters, phones and teddies. We had lots of fun doing this all out of recycled materials!
HWB- In PE we were practising our gymnastic skills! We found it very fun and sometimes tricky! This week is called Children’s Mental Health Week, so today we had a chance to ‘dress to express’ – and we loved it! This could happen every Friday! We were learning how to be a good friend and what we need to do to improve our ‘ good friendship skills’. We now know what to do.
In RE we were learning about Jesus and his 12 disciples, we know that most of them were very good friends to Jesus!
Have a good long weekend everyone!