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Primary 1's Week - Week beginning, 7th of February.

Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEMH) | Contemporary Issues in Teaching  and Learning


Another great week was had in P1!  What did we get up to?


Our Word Boost story this week was, ‘Grumpy Cat’, written by Britta Teckentrupp.  Mrs Mac is sure this story is about her cat, Murphy as he can be very grumpy! We enjoyed listening to this  and learning new words and their meanings, Our teachers have told us that when we learn new things we are exercising our brains, cool!

We also learnt how to form capital letters and learnt when to use them in our writing.  Our writing has really come on, our teachers are very proud of us.  We had another go at writing an imaginative story titled. The Sore Paw’.  Our teachers said that they are so good we are all going to be authors when we grow up!


We have been doing lots of oral number this week. We counted forwards and backwards, counted in 2s, 5s and 10s and practised our doubles facts to 20.  We also learnt how to sort out things and how to interpret bar graphs and pictograms.


We did a lot of things this week connected to looking after our mental health.  We listened to one of the Winnie the Pooh stories and learnt that Eeyore is often sad but his friends are still good friends to him and look after him.  We learnt that getting a good sleep, eating healthy foods and exercising are good ways to helping us to keep the blues away.


We looked at Scottish inventions this week.  We were amazed to learn that lots of really important things that we use every day were made by Scottish people! We were so inspired that we worked in groups to make our own inventions using junk that we had.  What fun we had working together, problem solving and listening to one another’s ideas as we made our inventions.

Have a lovely long weekend everyone!

Love, P1.

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