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P6's Busy Week at School

This week’s Blog was written by the P6 pupils, well done to the group who focussed on the recount of this week’s activities.

Welcome to the P6 Blog we’re going to inform you about what we have been doing this week. We have been doing presentations, this is for our new topic, which is learning all about Europe. We had to develop a presentation about travelling to a country in Europe. It had to include a lot of details; capital cities, currency, landmarks (man made and natural), languages, famous people from that country and how we would travel to get there. It was very exciting to watch everyone present their work and it has helped us all learn lots about the countries of Europe. We have also learned, that France is really popular!

In maths we have been learning about mixed numbers and improper fractions more specifically how to convert from one to the other, yet again we have realised how important it is to know our times tables.

For writing, we looked at developing our own poems. The type of poem we looked at was Bio Poems. This is where we write about ourselves, using adjectives and figurative language to describe how we think and feel about things.

We continued to do literacy circles all week and we followed our rota, this meant that we did different activities every day, using our homework reading chapters.  It’s fun discussing our novels in our reading circle.

We also celebrated Mass this week with Canon Jeremy. On February the 2nd, it was Candlemas Day, this is where we celebrate that Jesus was presented at the Temple. During the Mass, Canon Jeremy blessed all of the candles.

Bye and we hope you enjoyed reading all about our week.

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