Another Fun Filled Week in P6! w.b. 24.01.22
P6 have had another fun filled busy week! Keep reading to find out more.
- Maths- We have been learning about factors and primes. We know that a factor is a number that divides into another number evenly (with no remainders). We also investigated prime and composite numbers and enjoyed lots of active tasks to develop our understanding.
- Literacy- We have been working on our Literacy Circle skills this week and developing our skills for each job in the Circle. This has helped us to really develop our understanding of what we have read. In Writing, we have been working on poetry. We worked in trios to collaborate on some short poems by looking at a picture. We then created lists of adjectives, adverbs and verbs that we felt went along with each picture. We used our lists to create our poems- we really enjoyed this task and felt that it made us more confident in our poetry writing. We also enjoyed a live Burns Day event, hearing readings from some brand new children’s books inspired by the man himself!
- HWB- In PE, we have been working on our fitness skills. We completed the ‘bleep test’ and are very proud to say that one of us bet the school record with an outstanding score of 152! We have also been thinking about friendship this week and have been working hard to focus on following the rules when playing games.
- RERC- In RE, we have been learning about St Paul. We know that he was born as Saul and that at first, when he heard about Christians believing that Jesus was God’s Son he felt very angry until he was blinded by a light from the sky on his way to Damascus and Jesus told him to stop hurting Christians.
- Science- We have continued to learn about light. This week, we looked at reflectors and discussed which materials made the most successful reflectors and why. We discovered reflectors work best when they have a smooth surface.
- Social Studies- We have been researching European landmarks this week. We know that they can be categorised into three categories: historical, cultural and geographical. We enjoyed working in pairs to research some landmarks from European holiday destinations.
- Expressive Arts- This week in Art, we created line drawings of European landmarks. We chose a landmark and used Google Images to search for a reference image to help us with our drawing. We then went over our pencil sketch with a handwriting pen and added depth, light and shade using a technique called cross-hatching. We then added some more light and shade by wetting some of the cross-hatching with a paintbrush and dragging the ink to create tone.