Primary 1's Week, Week Beginning 17th of January
It has bin a richt guid week!, (it has been a really good week). We have had such good fun this week and especially with our new topic, ‘Scotland’. Read on to find out what else we have been up to.
As well as revising lots of sounds previously taught, we learnt two new sounds this week, ‘ng’ and ‘wh’. Both of these sounds appear in lots of words, (as we found out).Now that we have a bank of sounds in our heads we are writing more and more each day and using our knowledge of these to help us to sound out words when we are reading too. We are becoming more confident at writing independently and giving writing a go. Our teacher are VERY proud of us all.
We have have had a great time learning about ‘time’ this week. We have learnt that time never stops, (unless the batteries run out in your clock/watch) and that being able to tell the time is a really important skill that we will use for the rest of our lives. We have been practising how to tell the time for o’clock and half past times and are becoming really good. We have also been practising our number bonds and learning strategies on how to find a missing number, e.g. : 2 plus what makes 5 ?
Health and Wellbeing
We learnt how to skip this week in P.E. It was easier for some of us than others. Skipping is really good as it helps with balance, jumping and coordination and it is fun! We also recapped the importance of looking after our teeth and were given a cool toothbrush and toothpaste to take home.
We started a new topic this week, ‘Scotland’. We looked at how our country looks from space and located Broxburn on the map. We are learning a Scottish poem, ‘Traffic Lichts’ and drew Edinburgh Castle too. We were amazed to find out that it was built on a volcano and even more relieved to find out that it is extinct, phew!
We are really enjoying learning Spanish and think it is super that we can chat in Spanish to our teachers in the morning as we say, ‘good morning’, ‘hello’, ‘please ‘, and ‘thank you’ . We are also really good at knowing the Spanish words for lots of colours and can even count to 20 in this language. Wow!
Thank you for reading our blog, have a nice weekend.
Primary 1.