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Happy New Year from P3 and P3/2

This week P3 and P3/2 have been very busy.

In Numeracy, we have been learning about time.  We have been learning about how long many minutes/hours/days/years are in a given time.  For example we know that 1 minute is 60 seconds and there are 52 weeks in one year.

In Art, we have been learning about hot and cold colours. We know red, yellow and orange are warm colours and blue, purple and green are cold colours.  We created a background of a sky using either hot or cold colours.  Next week we will add to the background

In Literacy, we have been learning about a and an.  We know we use an when words start with a vowel – a, e, i, o and u.  We have been continuing to learn about cursive script. We have been joining letters together.  F is tricky. We started to read the owl who was afraid of the dark.  We will use this book for literacy lesson and it links to our new topic about sun, moon and stars.

We have started our new topic which is sun, moon and stars.  We thought about what we know and what we would like to learn. We can’t wait to get started next week.

We have completed some assessments this week so that we can see what we remember and what our nest steps in learning will be.

In PE we were learning about fitness.  We completed lots of circuits.

In Music, we were learning about Scottish music.  We will be singing the songs soon.  We also looked at percussion instruments.

Thank you for reading our blog.  We have enjoyed being back at school.


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