It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in P2
This week in literacy we learned our new sound ‘igh’. We wrote letters to Santa asking him for a little gift in our best writing. We continued to learn our common words and complete reading comprehension tasks.
We have been learning how to add to twenty using various methods to help us: – number lines, counters and Numicon. We are also making connections between number fact families.
We have been studying different parts of the Nativity story and discussing the Holy Family. We enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch, watched an online pantomime and wore our Christmas jumpers to school. We have been busy making lovely Christmas crafts in class too.
Health & Well-Being
We read the story book called ‘The Cloud’ and thought about different ways we can cheer someone up if they are feeling like they have a dark cloud above their head. We watched how to clean our teeth properly and discussed the importance of brushing every day and making good choices for the care of our teeth. We had a chat about safety with electricity.