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Our Week In P3 and P3/2 - Week Commencing 22.11.21

Here is a roundup of our busy week in P3 and P3.2. We have enjoyed learning about:

Handwriting: In handwriting we have been working on our joined-up cursive letters. This week we even gave some joined-up words a go. “I was finding the joined-up words easy because I have been practising all my letters.”

Writing: In writing we have loved using the mighty writer board. We wrote a story all about a mermaid. The mighty writer mat helped us to keep track of our stories and include a beginning, middle and end. The stars on the board helped remind us to add interesting adjectives to our stories too.

Number: In number we have been rounding up our learning on addition and subtraction. We know how to add and subtract using the number bonds strategy, the empty number line, number families, partitioning, our hundred square and the doubles and near doubles strategies.

“I think the empty number line strategy works best for me because it reminds me to do the tens first”.

“I like to do the number bonds because I know them quickly and can use them for harder sums.”

RE: We began to learn about advent. We know that advent is beginning on Sunday. Advent helps us count down to Christmas. We learned about the advent wreaths. We know that it has 5 candles, 3 purple, 1 pink and a white one for Christmas day.

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