Learning in Primary 1 (Week beginning 1st November)
We have had lots of fun this week learning our new sounds (‘g’, ‘v’ and ‘z’) through play activities. We have developed lots of skills across the curriculum with our class Garden Centres and Vets. We created ‘Super Veggies’ using real vegetables after being inspired by the Supertato series of books! We really enjoy role play in Primary 1 and many of us choose to play with these activities everyday.
Our teachers are also very impressed that we are all progressing with blending sounds together to read and write words, and some of us can write short sentences with the teacher’s help. We have all been very excited to take reading books home this week for the first time too. We have spotted lots of common words in our books and we had a go at reading the sentences. Well done!
This week we have been learning to count forwards in 2s and recognise doubles.
We have used lots of materials in the classroom to help us: Numicon, Rekenreks, dice patterns, cubes, toy teddies and toy dinosaurs! We enjoy singing along to songs and playing digital games to practise our numbers too.
Learning Across the Curriculum
We discussed Bonfire Night and how to keep safe if we are near fireworks. We are looking forward to seeing all the bright colours in the sky and created some firework art using neon paint and black card. We learned some of the words we can use to describe what fireworks look and sound like, such as ‘pop’, ‘bang’ ‘whizz’ and ‘explode’! As a Laudato Si school, we have been learning that our planet is beautiful and God-given. We enjoyed ‘Eat all your lunch’ day and tried very hard to eat everything on our plate. Food waste is not good for our planet. We also painted pebbles with flowers to contribute to our school display, showing how much we love our environment.
Primary 1