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Learning in Primary 1 (Week Beginning 25.10.2021)

What super fun we’ve had this week in Primary 1!  What have we been doing?


We learned three new sounds this week: h, u and d. We are learning to recognise, write and hear these sounds in words. We have been blending the sounds with other ones to make words and we even had a go at writing some sentences together with our teachers! We are learning that we need a capital letter, finger spaces between each word and a full stop at the end. We are becoming more confident with reading our first ten common words and next week we will take home our next set of ten.

Our writing lesson on Thursday was linked to our topic, Dinosaurs! We had to use our fantastic imaginations to create a dinosaur pet. We discussed what it would look like, what size it would be and what its name would be. We drew detailed drawings of our imaginary pet dinosaurs and our teachers helped us to write down our great descriptions.


We have been using the Rekenreks to help us develop our number sense. A Rekenrek looks like a small abacus with 20 beads (10 on the top and 10 on the bottom), and we use it to count and to visualise numbers. We explored different ways to make numbers to 10. For example, 6 could be made from 3+3, 5+1 or 4+2. We also continued to practise counting forwards and backwards to 20 and used number lines to help us say which number comes ‘before’ and ‘after’.

Learning Across the Curriculum

We are learning lots about dinosaurs! We know that some were carnivores and some were herbivores. We have labelled different parts of a dinosaur and are taking good care of the special ‘fragile’ boxes the Edinburgh Professor Alexander sent us. We hope to find out more about what’s inside soon! In Music we have been learning songs about dinosaurs too – lots of fun! On Friday we enjoyed dressing up in our Halloween costumes. We danced to spooky music, printed pumpkin art, made masks and monsters, and were grateful to the Parent Council for our bags of sweeties. Thank you!

Primary 1

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