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Short but busy week in P3 and P3/2

This week in P3/2 and P3 we have been very busy.  Read all about our learning below.

In Literacy, this week we have been learning about writing a character description.  We know we need to use adjectives to describe what the person looks like and how they act. We made our own characters and then wrote our descriptions.  We also completed our free writing Friday task and lots of us tried to use describing words.  In P3 we also got introduced to Accelerated reader this week and we had a look at some of the books in this programme.  We continued with our cursive script handwriting this week and learned another few letters.  We also tried a spot the silly word passage this week were we had to pick out the words that did  not make sense and change them to a sensible word.

In Mathematics, we have been learning about symmetry.  We know that the picture or shape has to be identical on both sides of the line of symmetry.  We tried to create our own symmetrical pictures and played different games about symmetry.

In topic work this week we created a picture of 4 of the climate zones to show the different environments in these areas of the world. We learned about temperate climate zones and completed a quiz.

In RERC we learned about Joseph and his coloured dream coat.  We know that Joseph’s brothers were not very nice to him and that he was given a coat of many colours by his father. We listened to a story and had to colour in the stripes on his coat with the colours we heard in the story.

In PE, we were working with partners and using tennis balls and hoops. We played different games.

In Music, we were a song about pumpkin and making actions to the song.

Today we are enjoying our dress down day and are looking forward to P6’s assembly.

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