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Signs of Autumn in Primary 2


We were learning two new diagraphs this week, the sounds ee and oo. We used them to build words and played a matching game.  We practised the correct formation of p and k. For our final week of writing a recount we wrote a story about planting in our garden. We used our writing targets to check that we were doing a great job.


This week we were counting collections up to the number 50. We discovered that it was easier to make groups of ten so that we did not lose count. We took a walk around the school grounds to look for 3D shapes. We found lots of cuboids and cylinders but not many cubes.

Topic – Broxburn

Did you know that Broxburn was named in 1600 by Sir Richard Cockburn?  He used two Scottish words to make the town’s name. Brock which was the old Scot’s word for badger and burn which is the Scottish word for a stream or water.  P2 created drawings of badgers and thought about the other local wildlife we have seen near our school and houses. We discussed some of the facts we know about local landmarks such as The Bings, Union Canal, our church and our school.

Religious Education – Autumn

We spoke about the seasonal changes happening as we step into autumn. We created fantastic drawings of a Dingle, Dangle Scarecrow too.

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