Primary 1's Week - Week 7.
The weeks are zooming by! What have we been doing ?
We learnt two more sounds this week, k and o. We learnt that k and c are best friends because they have a lot in common, they make the same sound! We liked these new sounds as it meant that we were able to read more words including: mop, not, mop and kit. We go over these sounds each day so that we do not forget them. We have also been using our sounds to have a go at writing words. We have to stretch the words and say them slowly to help us to remember each sound that we need to write down. This can be quite tricky but we know that with lots of work we will soon be amazing.
We have been looking at the order of numbers 1-10 and learning to count forwards and backwards from any number, eg : 4,5,6,7. We find this funny as we are so used to counting from the number 1, however we know that this skill will help us when we start to do adding and take away sounds. We have continued working on patterns and have had lots of fun still using counters, crayons, pasta shapes to make some.
Health and Wellbeing
We have spent time this week learning about the ‘Zones of Regulation’ which is a big phrase to learn. It means how we deal with our feelings. The Zones of Regulation will help us to recognise that if we are ever in a situation that is making us lose control of our emotions there are lots of things that we can do to help manage our feelings to help ourselves get back to a healthier feeling. We have learnt that each feeling can be given a colour:
Religious Education
We made beautiful crosses which we have displayed beside our altars in class. We have been learning how to pray and some of the prayers that we say each day at St Nicholas. We know that praying is special.
Bye for now everyone!
Primary 1 and Primary 1 teachers.