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A quick week in P3 and P3/2

P3 and P3/2 have had a busy but very quick week.  Keep reading to find out what we have been up to.

In Literacy, we have been learning about alphabetical order.  We know the order of the alphabet. In writing, we wrote our learner statement. We thought about what we have learned this term so far in school and about our personal achievements.  We have added our learner statements to our profile.

In Numeracy, we have been learning about money.  We have been counting coins to find a total and also thinking how to use the least amount of coins. We have tried lots of different activities this week.  We will be continuing with money next week.  P3 made an art shop in class.

This week had our class Mass.  We learned about the archangels – we know three of them are St Michael, St Raphael and St Gabriel.  We had a lovely Mass with Father Jeremy. Thank you Father Jeremy.

This week we were learning about the tropical climate zone in our topic work.   We completed an experiment to see what happens when the rain falls and how the clouds get heavier.

In RERC, we listened to the story of the Good Smartian.  WE know that he stopped and helped the injured man when others ignored him.  We are going to try to be like the Good Smartian and be a good friend to others.

We also tried to rewrite the school aims in our own words. P3/2 made a video and P3 made a poster with the school aims.

This week we also had our learner conversations with our teachers about what we are good at and what we need to work on.  We also picked out our latest and best piece of literacy and numeracy work for our profiles.  

What a fun but busy week!

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