Primary 1's Week. Week 5
Five quick weeks since we started school,
we have learnt lots, our brains are getting full.
New routines, sounds and numbers,
it really has been fun,
Oh it’s great to be a Saint Nicholas Primary 1!
Our teachers are so proud of us all! We have learnt lots these past few weeks, made new friends and had lots and lots of fun! What have we learnt this week?
Our sounds this week were i and n. These have been super sounds to learn and helped us to make new words to help with our blending. We looked at the words, ‘is’, ‘it’, ‘cat’, ‘pat’ ‘at’ and ‘mat’. We are finding it really cool how the sounds that we have learnt can now be pieced together to make real words!
We recapped numbers 0-10. We practised the formation of them, where they are placed on a number line and we looked at their values. We also explored pattern. We learnt that patterns are everywhere! Patterns can be found on plates, cups, clothes, doors and lots more places. We had lots of fun making our own patterns too.
Health and Wellbeing
We learnt how important it is to keep nasty bugs away. We did a little experiment where one person covered their hands in glitter and then touched lots of things in our class. We couldn’t believe it when we noticed that the glitter had also gone all over everything that had been touched. Our teachers told us that this what happens with germs hat we have on our hands if we don’t keep them clean. We are very good at remembering to wash our hands but it was fun being reminded about how important it is to wash our hands to keep us healthy and safe.
Religious Education
We learnt all that God gave us special people in our lives who help us each day. We are thankful for all of those people for looking after us and keeping us safe.
Finally… (Word from our teachers)
Have a lovely September weekend everyone! We will see the boys and girls for more learning and fun on Wednesday, 22nd of September.
Bye for now everyone!
Primary 1 and Primary 1 teachers.