Primary 1's Week ! Week 4
What have we been learning this week in Primary one ?
We learnt two all about two more sounds this week, t and p. We learnt that these are gentle sounds. We also learnt how to write these sounds. We also did some blending. We took the sounds that we have been taught and linked them to make little words. How exciting!
We looked at numbers, 6 , 7 and 8 this week. We played lots of games ordering these numbers and practised the correct way of writing these.
Health and Wellbeing
We learnt all about teeth and the importance of looking after them. We know that if we want to keep the tooth fairy happy we must brush our teeth twice a day and make sure that we clean all of them and not just the ones that we see at the front of our mouths. We had fun cleaning teeth and cutting sticking health and unhealthy food choices on our grids.
Religious Education
We learnt all about Mary this week. It was her birthday on Wednesday. We learnt that God chose Mary to have a special baby, Jesus. We will learn lots more about Mary this year.
Our teachers were very happy to talk to our mummies, daddies and carers after school on Monday. A big thank you to those of you who managed to tune in to the virtual meeting.
Bye for now everyone!
Primary 1.