P6a's Busy Week w.b. 30.08.21
P6a have had a very busy week with lots of super learning opportunities. Please have a look at what we have learned.
- Maths- This week we have been learning about place value to 6 digits. We have learned to recognise the values of the digits in the numbers according to their place value. We have enjoyed taking part in lots of active learning and games using Heinemann Active Maths to help us. We have also really enjoyed using Izak 9 cubes to develop our problem solving skills with Mrs Heather.
- Literacy- In reading, we have completed a comprehension task, examining the song lyrics of ‘This is Me’ from The Greatest Showman. This links to our mini topic of ‘Wonder’ which we have enjoyed reading and discussing in class. In Writing, we have unpacked our St Nicholas Vision and worked in teams to rewrite this in our own words, this will help us to grow in understanding of our school vision, values and aims.
- HWB- This week we have been learning all about Growth Mindset and strategies we can use if we are faced with a challenge. We have enjoyed creating slogans to help ourselves and our friends when they are finding something difficult. In PE with Mr Muldoon we have begun our lessons on basketball. We really enjoyed the challenge of seeing who could bounce the ball the fastest!
- RERC- We have been learning all about St Cuthbert this week in preparation for our P6 Mass celebrating the feast of St Cuthbert. We created posters to showcase what we have learned as well as preparing for our Mass through practising our hymns, readings and Mass responses.