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P3/2's busy week

This week in P3/2 we have been very busy.  Keep reading to find out more.

In Maths, we have been  have learning about capacity and volume. We know we can measure liquids in millilitres and litres. We know there are 1,000ml in 1 litre!

In Literacy, we have written recounts of our fiction books this week. We enjoyed creating these. In handwriting, we have been using the cursive script to write the days of the week.

In RERC, we have been learning about Jesus’ miracles. We have read the stories Jesus heals Peter’s Mother in Law and Jesus heals the Blind Man. We know Jesus was able to perform miracles as He is the Son of God. The people had great faith and trust in Jesus.

In Science, we have continued our Energy topic. This week we discussed light energy and why we need to look after the environment.

In Art, we have made Fathers’ Day cards this week, we enjoyed making these and following an Art Hub for Kids video. We also created a football art work where we drew different line patterns on a football using a handwriting pen. We used lots of different patterns.

In P.E, we enjoyed our potted sports events in our Sports Day. We all had lots of fun.

In STEM, we worked as a team to create a model of the Forth Road Bridge.  WE had to make it 3D.

Some highlights from the week have been the school barbeque, watching the P1 and P2/1 Assembly and watching the Scotland game on Monday.

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