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What a week in P2... have a read.

We have been learning about capacity, volume and about a litre and half of a litre. We know that 1L is 1000ml so half of a litre is 500mg. The capacity is the total amount of space in the container. Volume is the amount of something in the container.

We were learning about a new sound this week o-e, like home, alone, stone, broke etc. We also were learning about ‘Narrative Writing’. First, we create a narrative planer, then we wrote our narrative writing using: A title, an orientation, a complication and a resolution. We also practised our handwriting, paying special attention to keeping our writing neat.

In RE we were learning about the parable of the Good Samaritan. We were so happy that there was finally one person who helped this poor man.

In our topic, we are going to learn this term about Healthy Body- Healthy Mind. We will be learning more in-depth about SHANARRI. S-safe, H- health, A-active, N-nurtured, A-achievement,  R-respected,  R-responsible, I-included

In science, we planted our Sunflower seeds, and now we look after them, by watering them every day. We started to observe their growth by using our Sunflower Dairy. It was such an interesting experience.

Outdoor learning was fun too, Mr Muldoon showed us some great games and even the weather was not too bad this week.

In Spanish we were learning about Los colores, we were playing the ‘Corner Game’ using Spanish the language.


Have a great long weekend everyone!


Kind Regards,


Mrs Koziel


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