A Busy Term in P3a!
P3a have had a very busy and successful term after Christmas, keep reading to find out what we have learned!
- Maths- This term we have learned about data handling where we have learned to read information and create our own bar and tally charts as well as pictograms. We have also worked very hard on division. We know that this is the opposite of multiplication so we have continued to practise our tables to help us with our division strategies. We have also been learning about time. We can read o’ clock, half past, quarter past and to on analogue clocks. We have learned to read these times on digital clocks as well. Some of us have learned to read 5 minute intervals on analogue clocks too!
- Literacy- In Literacy we have continued to practise our reading skills through answering Blooms questions both orally and written. We have continued to use Reflective Reading to practise reading skills. Our favourite activity is Blankety Blank where we have to guess the missing words in a passage. We have also learned lots about poetry this term, focusing on rhyme and rhythm.
- Health & Wellbeing- We have revised our Class Charter this term as well as learning all about the Sustainable Development Goals. We chose Goal 3- The right to good health and wellbeing, we thought of ways that we could improve this in our school. We have also been thinking a lot about friendship this term, linking this to Emotion Works. We have also been completing weekly tasks based on our right of the week.
- Social Studies- We have been really enjoying learning about the Ancient Egyptians this term. We have prepared talks about Gods and have combined our learning with STEM challenges. Our favourite one was designing a model Shaduf, which was a tool used to water crops in Ancient Egypt.
- Science- This term we have taken part in lots of STEM challenges, we have designed catapults and pyramids. We have also been learning about freezing and melting.
- RERC- We have been preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation this term, to prepare for this we have been learning about the symbols of Baptism and forgiveness.
- Expressive Arts- We have linked our artwork this term to our topic. We enjoyed creating portraits of a pharaoh using oil pastels. We focused on skills of line, form, shape and colour in this task.