What a busy week in nursery!
It has been so nice to see all our children returning to nursery after lockdown. They have all settled back into the routine really well and are coping brilliantly in their new ‘Bubbles’.
It has been a busy week with the children enjoying the arrival of our new sensory tent and light up toys.
We have introduced our new Spring topic this week after the children noted some of the seasonal changes taking place outside.
Here are some of the spring activities we had in nursery. The most popular was our shop where they could pretend to buy flowers, fruit and veg using real money. Lots of opportunity to count and recognise numbers.
They were all very excited to spot a Bee in the nursery and as a result the children decided it would be a great idea to make their own beehive . They researched what beehives look like and then tried to create their own using black crepe paper and yellow paint. lots of lovely pictures were produced by our talented children.