Primary 5's Week!
P5 have worked well again this week. Here is an overview of it!
Literacy – In literacy our spelling this week focussed on sion words. We also learnt about prefixes and how they can change the meaning of words. We hadn’t realised that there were so many pre prefixes and that they all mean something! For our writing we moved on to procedural writing and learnt how to write detailed sets of instructions on revolting recipes. Some of the recipes were sooooo disgusting that they made the teachers feel sick whilst reading them.
Numeracy – We recapped the rules for adding and dividing by 10/100/1000 and worked on finding fractions of whole amounts.
Health and Wellbeing – We learnt how important mindfulness is for our health and wellbeing and how crucial it is to take time out to relax. We used some relaxation techniques including meditation, doodling, listening to peaceful music and deep breathing. It was really enjoyable.
R.E – Lent was our focus this week with us thinking about what we can all do during this important time to prepare for Easter.
Topic – Exciting news! Our new topic for the next few weeks will be on ‘The Titanic’. We were over the moon when we learnt through the use of picture clues what our learning is going to be. We are looking forward to sharing our learning with you all and working through each of the tasks that we suggested to our teachers as specified on the KWL grid that we constructed as a stage. Some ideas included: learning songs about the Titanic, constructing models of the Titanic, learning about the survivors and much, much more. Super job Primary 5!