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P3 and P3/2's Busy Week!

This week P3 and P3/2 have been very busy! Keep reading to find out more…

  • Maths- We have been learning all about shape this week! We have been revising 2d shapes and learning more about 3d shapes. We know that 3d shapes have faces that are 2d shapes. We really enjoyed our 3d shape hunt, constructing models of shapes and drawing the shapes.
  • Literacy- We have been focusing on common words this week in Spelling and at home we have been revising sounds that we found tricky this term. We are enjoying using Seesaw to practice our words at home.
  • HWB- This week we continued to learn more about our Green Cog (behaviours and how my body shows them). We listened to a story called ‘The Recess Queen’ and sorted playground behaviours into positives and negatives. This helped us to recognise problems we could solve on our own and those which we need adult help to solve.
  • RERC- We have continued to learn more about Advent this week and have listened to the story of The Annunciation. We know this is when Mary was visited by the Angel Gabriel to receive the news she would have a baby called Jesus. We know Jesus is the Son of God.
  •  In Expressive Arts, we listened to the song ‘When Santa Got Stuck Up the Chimney’. We then created a drama about when Santa got stuck up the chimney in the style of a news report, we interviewed Santa and some eye witnesses. We had great fun!
  • Digital Learning- We created a music video this week using the song ‘Santa Claus is Coming to Town’ to develop our digital learning skills. We created actions for a dance routine and then drew pictures to insert into our video. We can’t wait to watch all of the videos from P1-7 next Friday at  ‘Strictly St Nics Does Christmas’!
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