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Another busy nursery week!

Hello Everyone,

The children have been learning more about autumn this week, especially the change in the weather. Please remember that we access outdoor play every day so please remember hats and wellies for your child to wear or cold and wet days.

We have been making our own autumn trees in the art and craft area and these are now displayed proudly on our nursery wall. Some children have also been out about to see the signs of autumn and collect some leaves to use in the nursery. They even managed to pick some blackberries! Discussions and stories have led on to us learning more about hibernation so we will be focusing on this over the next few weeks.

The children are doing amazingly well at remembering all the Wellbeing Icons and what they mean. The icon we have been focusing on this week has been ‘achieving’. . We have a board in the nursery cloakroom to celebrate your child’s individual achievement, from out with the nursery. If you have any photos of your child doing something special at home or from a club they attend then please e-mail it to the nursery and we will print it out and share it on our board. The nursery e-mail address is:

Have a look at the menu plan to see what is for snack next week.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend!

The Nursery Team



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