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Primary 5's Week

It has been a short but productive week for P5.  Lots of learning has taken place including:

Spelling! We have been learning to spell common words but those ones which are especially tricky including the words ‘Edinburgh’ and ‘beautiful’.  We have been learning useful strategies to help us to spell these words. We use mnemonics and look for words inside the word.  We love to be challenged with our weekly words!

We have been revising how to calculate addition sums using the formal written method.  Although we are great at using our number talks strategies for solving calculations we need to know how to do these too in the written way.

We have spent a lot of time outdoors completing the daily mile, working through fitness stations during P.E and enjoying the last of the September sun when listening to our class novels.   P5b are particularly enjoying listening to’ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. Roald Dahl has certainly captured our imaginations.

Our letter writing skills have improved immensely too. We wrote a thank you letter to a member of our family thanking them for something nice that they had done.  Our teachers were really impressed at how well we did.

It has been a very busy week!

Have a nice weekend everyone, P5 with Mrs Macdonald and Mrs Kilpatrick.


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