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Another Busy Week at Nursery

Hi Everyone,

Hope you have all had a lovely week. We have been very busy in nursery learning about our Wellbeing Icons. We have been learning about ‘Respected’. Please ask your child what this means to them.

We have also had to spilt into our ‘Bubbles’ as our numbers have increased. This is for the safety and protection of all children. We will now be bringing your children into the cloakroom in their bubbles so please be patient with us and remember to keep a 2 meter distance from others.

The children have adapted well to this and we have been having discussions about what Coronavirus is and how it has impacted their lives.

We have been lucky with the weather this week and have been enjoying lots of play outdoors we have also been exploring numbers and numerals by counting and sequencing shells.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the long weekend if you are taking advantage of it.

The Nursery Team

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