Busy week in P2..
Another busy week in P2
- In literacy we were practicing our handwriting. We want to get really good at letter formation.
- We were learning about sound ‘ch’ e.g. chop, chip, church etc. We tried to hide those words in the picture.
- We were developing our reading skills, trying to read our books with expressions.
- We were also trying to focus on summarising the Gruffalo story. We know that summarising means telling what happened in the story in few sentences only.
- In Maths we were learning using Rekenrek, trying to focus on how many pushes we need to do to make no 15. We know it can be 5+5+5 or 10+5 or 7+3+5 etc. We know now which way is the most effective.
- We were also practising ‘Place Value’ using ‘Partitioning Strategy’ e.g. 583 = 500 + 80 + 3
- In RE we were talking about Triumph of the Cross and also about Mass and Bible. We know that God speaks to us through the Bible. We also know that Bible is divided in two parts: Old and New Testament.
- In Spanish we were learning about body parts singing the song: ‘Cabeza y hombros pierna y pies‘ which means: ‘head, shoulders, knees and toes’.
- We had also fantastic time making faces with shapes as Picasso did in the past.
- In PE we had lots of fun activities and also we spend time in outdoor learning practicing maths and literacy in the fresh air.
- We were learning about homes and houses, we now know different types of houses e.g. bungalow, detached, semi-detached etc.
- In science we continued to learn about forces. This time we were focusing on spinning. That was a good fun.
Have a lovely September weekend break and see you all on Wednesday 23.09.20
Mrs Koziel