P5's Week!
Aren’t the weeks flying by ? This is what we did this week.
In literacy we moved on to another set of words and used lots of different approaches to learn how to spell these. We used the reflective reader task, ‘Picture It’ to draw a character using the description that was provided. This was a very worthwhile task to do as it taught us that skilled writers use adjectives, similes and metaphors to write about characters. We are going to write our own character descriptions and get a friend in class to read them and draw the picture using our descriptions. We have also been practising our letter writing skills and wrote to the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon. We hope that she writes back, watch this space.
We practised our multiplication facts. We are really beginning to understand how important these are to our understanding in fractions and division. We also continued to practise reading and writing 5 and 6 digit numbers and have become really skilled at reading and writing these with ease.
We managed to get outside in the lovely fresh air to do P.E. We also completed the ‘Daily Mile’, which we love ! We spoke about being resilient and know who is on our team should we ever need help.
We continued to be mini engineers finishing off our stop/go signs. The designs were all fantastic and lots of thought had gone in to fulfilling the design brief. A big well done to P5 for being so creative!