Another Busy Week in P3!
This week in P3 we have been working very hard, keep reading to find out more!
- In Maths, we have been continuing to learn about Place Value. We can read, write and count 3 digit numbers. We have even began to learn about expanded form. We know that this is when you break a number into its parts.
- In Literacy, we are continuing to practice our prediction skills, we know a prediction is a guess about what is going to happen in a story. This week we watched a clip called ‘The Clock Tower’ to help us with our reading skills.
- In Art, we have been learning about the Spanish artist Picasso. We know that he used shapes and angles in his artwork. We enjoyed looking at his art and guessing what they could be. We enjoyed doing art outside by collecting outdoor materials (leaves, stones and sticks) to create faces.
- In Health and Wellbeing, we designed dreamcatchers. We learned that the web catches bad dreams and the feathers at the bottom give us good dreams. We talked about how our emotions can be linked to our dreams.
- In PE, we were using hula hoops to practise throwing and catching. We had fun playing lots of games to practise our skills.
- In RERC, we learned about Mary and we celebrated her birthday. We have also been revising our school values, we drew a picture linked to our school values and wrote a sentence about a time when we followed our St Nicholas values.