P2's Great Work!
P2’s Great Work!
- We have been learning this week about SHANARRI. The subject we have chosen is Respect. We know that our teacher respects us because she always listens to what we have to say.
- We know how to describe things, especially Gruffalo the Monster.
- We had a math test this week and we did great! We need tests to understand what we know and what we need to practice a little more.
- We were practising our handwriting with our first and second name.
- We were praying to God with the ‘Our Father’. We know that Jesus Christ taught His disciples this prayer.
- We have learnt about the abstract artist Kandinsky, and we know that he was from Russia.
- We have been practising math using Rekenrek with just one push.
- We had lots of fun learning outdoors.
- We learnt about the difference between ‘I need’ and ‘I want’. We know now that we need water, shelter, clothes, food, fresh air and what we want are sweeties, cinema, popcorn etc.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!