P3's Busy Week (w.b.24.8.20)
This week we have had a lot of fun with our learning. Keep reading to see what we got up to!
- In Drama we learned about the differences between Miss Honey and Miss Trunchbull. We used voice, our bodies and our imaginations to think about the differences between the characters. Most of us agree we would rather have Miss Honey!
- In Maths, we have been practising our counting to 100 and have started skip counting in 2’s all the way to 100. We have enjoyed playing games like Switch to help with our counting. We have been using Rekkenreks to practice our number skills.
- In Literacy, we have been practising spelling our Fry’s words. We have had a go at reading using Accelerated Reader on our laptops. We took our Literacy outside with Mr Muldoon and we described objects we found. We then used our describing skills to write descriptive sentences.
- In Art, we have been learning all about the artist Kandinsky. We recreated his famous circle paintings and learned some facts about him too! Did you know that he used music to inspire his paintings?
- In RERC, we have been learning all about the parable of ‘The Lost Sheep’. We learned about the story and we found out that the shepherd is like God and we are like the sheep. We know that Father Jeremy is also like the shepherd in the parable as he looks after our community.