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P3 Schools out!

This week Primary 3 took part in the second week of Fitness fortnight.  Here are some of the things we have been doing this week:

  • We researched the importance of exercise and made a poster.
  • In Literacy, we wrote letters to our favourite sports stars, telling them all about ourselves, why they have inspired us and asked them questions about things we wanted to know about them.
  • We continued to take part in our virtual sports day- Forth house were the winners!!
  • Using our knowledge of healthy eating we drew a healthy lunch box.
  • We made a healthy smoothie and then wrote instructions to help someone else to make the smoothie.
  • In Numeracy, we took part in lots of fun fitness e.g. roll to dice and then add the numbers together to complete the exercises set.
  • We took part in a few sumdog challenges.
  • We watched video about sun safety and then created our own video to tell others about what we knew about sun safety.
  • We also became the teacher and taught our families some new skills.

Here are some pictures of our work this week.

Primary 3,  we just wanted to thank you for all your hard work this term.  It has been very different term for us all but you have risen to the challenge and we are very proud of you.  Thank you so much for all the pictures we have received.  We have loved seeing your work and how well you are doing.

We hope you all have a great summer holiday.  Relax and have fun with your family.  We will see you in August when you are in Primary 4!

Happy holidays.

Mrs Canning and Miss McCormack

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