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Primary 1 Weekly Update (W.C 8/6/20)


Well done Primary 1 for another week working hard from home. We have been busy with our home learning packs and grids and are almost ready to become big Primary 2’s now! Here are some of the things we have been learning about:

Writing: During writing time we have been learning about functional writing. This week we were focussing on writing lists and learning what a list looks like and should contain. We wrote a list of 10 things we love to hand on to our new teacher to help them get to know us better.

Phonics: We started to learn about the magic e and how he changes the sound of the vowels! This was quite tricky and we will continue to work on this next year. We watched videos and completed a sumdog spelling challenge to help us with this.

Maths:  In maths we continued our learning of money from last week. We gained a better understanding of how to make amounts using different coins and we learned to pay for things and work out basic change. We even started to learn about budgeting and used our budgeting skills to plan our own lunches online!

Topic: We have had lots of super feedback from talking to parents about how much the children are loving their dinosaur topic! This week we played some dinosaur exploring games and made dinosaur artwork from our hand and footprints!


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