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Fantastic Learning in P3! (W.B. 1.06.20)

P3 have had another fantastic week of home learning. Keep reading to find out more about our learning.

  • Literacy– we have continued to learn new spelling patterns this week and have been practising our words through Active Spelling activities. We are continuing to develop our note taking skills using Newsround, we then discussed what we had watched with our families. To develop our comprehension skills we have completed some Reflective Reading tasks like ‘Spot the Silly Word’ and completed a Task Map on toy adverts. We are continuing to read books for enjoyment and we created mini flip books of our favourite stories. We used an Authors Live episode as a stimulus for writing this week, creating our own adventure stories.
  • Maths– We are continuing to use Sumdog and other games to develop our Numeracy skills. In Number Talks, we learned more about the ‘friendly numbers’ strategy and practised this at home. We have been learning about volume this week, we know that we measure volume in litres and millilitres. We enjoyed doing practical activities to develop our measurement skills such as making our own scales using bottles and filling jugs with different amounts of water.
  • Health & Wellbeing- We continued to learn about the importance of Growth Mindset this week. We listened to the story ‘I Can’t Do That…YET!’ and drew pictures of things we can do just now and something we would like to learn to do. Some of our boys and girls have completed some sports challenges while they’ve been at home-completing a charity run and a football skills challenge- well done!
  • Social Studies- In our Ancient Egyptians topic this week we have learned all about the Gods and Goddesses. We did some research on BBC Bitesize and played a game as well as using a table to answer questions.
  • Science- This week we have continued our Inheritence topic. This week we learned how animals are classified into families. We watched a video and then created posters for each animal family with details of characteristics and the animals in the family.
  • Art- we are continuing to learn about the visual elements. This week we created a sunset landscape and focused on the elements of line, pattern and colour.
  • RERC- This week we have been learning about Jesus’ Twelve Apostles. We watched a video which taught us the twelve special friends that Jesus had. We used our knowledge to create a picture and labelled each of the apostles. We also learned about Patron Saints, researching St Andrew (our national saint), St Nicholas (our school saint) and St John Cantius (our parish saint). We know Saints were people who committed their lives to serving God and helping others.
  • Technologies- Our technology challenge this week was to compare technology in the past and present. We asked our parents about the technology they had growing up and compared this to what we use now. We used Google Images with our parents help to find pictures of past technology.

Well done for all of your hard work P3- keep it up!

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