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P1 Weekly Update

P1 have had a busy week. Let’s take a look at what we’ve been up to…

  • In numeracy we have been revising money. We have been discussing why we need money and where it comes from. We had a go at ordering coins, sorting coins and even set up our own wee shops where we had a go at being the shopkeeper and the customer.
  • For literacy this week we had to plan a movie night for our family. Firstly, we wrote a letter to our family explaining why we wanted to have a movie night. We then created tickets for our movie night and lovely posters.
  • We are still enjoying our topic. We have been looking at dinosaur diets and researching omnivores, herbivores and carnivores.
  • For art, we followed a tutorial on how to draw an allosaurus.
  • We continued with our growth mindset series. This week we thought about what to do if we are stuck and why using the word “yet” is important.
  • For R.E we spent some time reflecting on our year in P1, thinking about what has went well and what we want to get better at in P2. We then finished with a prayer to God to ask him to help us with our journey into P2.

Thank you for all your hard work this week P1. We are very proud of you all.


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