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Primary 5's Week.

Another busy week for Primary 5  learning at home. We continue to be very impressed with the commitment and motivation shown by lots of the children, a very well done to you all !

What have P5 been up to ?

In Literacy more words were issued and trhe children learnt how to spell these in a variety of ways.  Similes and metaphors were revisited and the children used these this week in their recounts.

In Numeracy, the children worked on finding amounts of fractions, used their problem solving skills and chance and probability to work out solutions .  They also continued honing their number talks skills.

The children learnt about another significant figure from the past,  Florence Nighingale. We thought that this was apt considering the great work currently being done by the NHS.

In Health and Wellbeing the children were issued daily challenges from Mr Muldoon, our P.E teahcer.  We also encouraged the children to get lots of fresh air and take breaks away from the screen. We are so lucky to live nearby green spaces!

We have to say though, (judging by the children’s reactions) that Thursday was the best day of the week as the boys and girls spent their time doing Titanic themed activities including : making models of Titanic, producing a menu fit for a first class passenger, drawing Titanic step by step, calculating how mant life boats Titanic should have had, taking a virtual tour of Titanic Belfast, making ice lollies and flaoured ice cubes and sourcing and calcuating a cruise for 2. We planned the day like this as we should have all been going to Belfast to visit the Titanic Museum, but the Corona virus put paid to this.  However, the P5s didn’t  allow this virus to dampen their  spirits and a fun day was had by all with lots of fantastic work produced.

A very well done P5 !

Mrs Mac and Mrs Kilpatrick.

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