Primary 1 Weekly Update!
Primary 1 have had another busy week working their way through home learning packs! Here is what we have been up to..
- We have been writing personal stories about our favourite foods using our senses to help us. We all have our own writing targets in out jotters and have been working really hard to achieve these even though writing is really tricky for lots of us!
- In maths we have been learning about position, movement and direction. We have watched videos, played games and have been selecting and working through some of the activities in our position and movement grid.
- We have been exercising to keep us healthy!
- We have learned about the importance of prayer and were introduced to the Hail Mary as we are entering the month of our lady.
We know that learning from home is not easy and is a big adjustment for everyone but we are really proud of all our children. If they’d like us to see some of their work you can still send us this via the school email. Most importantly keep safe, enjoy some family time and have a lovely relaxing long weekend.
Miss McKeown and Mrs Gardiner